START with small small goals and revise, rerevise….practice and practice.
TIME TABLE for Weekly and Daily challenges:
WEEK 1: paper 1 chapters - 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.
Writing answers to previous question papers within 8 Minutes.
Day 1 chapter 1.1
Meaning, scope, and development of anthropology.(imp)
Day 2: Revisions of chapter 1.1 with one answer writing challenge.
Day 3: Relationship with other discipline means similarities and dissimilarities
Day 4: Main branches of anthropology, their scope and relevance.(imp)
Social cultural anthropology and biological anthropology
Day 5: archaeological anthropology and linguistic anthropology
Day 6: revision of above chapters
1.1 Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology.
Previous Questions:
* Critically examine the role of anthropology in Contemporary India. (15Marks 2014)
1.2 Relationships with other disciplines: Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences & Humanities.
Previous Questions:
* How do you situate Anthropology in Social Sciences? (10Marks 2013)
1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance:
a) Social- cultural Anthropology. b) Biological Anthropology.
c) Archaeological Anthropology. d) Linguistic Anthropology.
Previous Questions:
*Define anthropology and describe major branches of anthropology elaborating on any one branch (20marks-2017)
* Archaeological Anthropology (10Marks 2015)
* Major subdivisions of Anthropology (10Marks 2014)
* Linguistic Anthropology (10Marks 2013)
* Social & Cultural Anthropology (S.N - 1994)
* Archaeological Anthropology (S.N - 1992)
* Linguistic Anthropology (S.N - 1990)
* Applied Anthropology (S.N - 1990)
* Theme of Linguistic Anthropology (S.N - 1989)
* New Physical Anthropology (S.N - 1989)
WEEK 2: paper 1 chapter -1.7 the biological basis of life.